What Does a Social Media Manager Do?

You wake up to the amazing scent of fresh coffee, birds chirping outside your window, and your smartphone buzzing with notifications. As you sip your morning brew, you open your favorite social media platforms to catch up on the latest trends, memes, and news. Little do you know, behind the scenes, a social media manager is orchestrating this digital symphony, weaving together engaging content, witty captions, and strategic campaigns to captivate your attention and keep you scrolling for more. Ever wondered what goes on in the day-to-day life of a social media manager? We've got the info. Read on to find out: what does a social media manager do?

Social Media Strategy Creation

Social media managers create a comprehensive social media marketing strategy that works for the organization's goals. This includes identifying target audiences, choosing appropriate platforms, and setting measurable objectives.

They plan and execute social media campaigns, including promotions, contests, and advertising campaigns. They monitor campaign performance, make adjustments as needed, and ensure campaigns suit overall strategy.

Depending on the budget allocated, social media managers may oversee paid advertising campaigns. They optimize ad performance to achieve desired outcomes within budget constraints.

Creating Content

These professionals create a content calendar outlining when and what type of content will be posted on each social media platform. This helps maintain consistency and ensures a steady flow of engaging content. 

Social media managers are responsible for creating various types of content. They make sure content is optimized for each platform in terms of format, dimensions, and best practices. For example, using hashtags on Instagram, utilizing trending topics on Twitter, or optimizing posts for SEO on LinkedIn.

Marketing managers keep abreast of current trends, viral content, and industry insights to incorporate relevant topics into their content strategy. This helps keep the brand's content fresh, timely, and engaging.

Engage The Community 

Social media managers actively keep an eye on comments, direct messages, and mentions. They respond promptly to inquiries, feedback, and compliments, fostering meaningful conversations with followers.

Social media managers acknowledge user-generated content, such as customer reviews, testimonials, or user-created posts. They also express appreciation for their contributions. This results in a sense of community and loyalty among followers.

They actively participate in relevant conversations on forums, trending topics, and industry discussions. This makes it easier to connect with the community.

This includes using relevant hashtags, engaging in Twitter chats, or participating in LinkedIn groups.


Social media managers start by coming up with clear goals and key performance indicators that meet an organization's objectives. These could include metrics like reach, engagement, conversions, leads generated, or ROI. They choose and utilize social media analytics tools. These tools help track and analyze performance metrics across different platforms. These professionals conduct A/B tests to experiment with different variables such as ad copy, visuals, targeting options, posting times, or call-to-action buttons.

What Does a Social Media Manager Do? Now You Know

What does a social media manager do? There's a lot that goes into this important job. Now that you have the outline, it'll be easier for you to explore this world. Do you want to learn more about this world? V Social Media of Hollywood has been on the scene since 2011, and we cover what's trending. Read through some of our other amazing blog posts today.


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